The following is intended as a guide to help you use the components of an ITS Certification Bundle (Online Video Training Course, Practice Tests and Certification Exam Voucher).
Video Training - LearnKey
LearnKey Video Training for ITS, powered by GMetrix (, is self-paced and flexible. To access the Video Training, you must first register a GMetrix Profile (if you do not already have one) and then redeem your Access Code.
Note: These Access Codes usually begin with "LKEY-", have some numbers in the middle, then end with an Identifier. For example: "LKEY-12345-54321-ITS".
Note: The profile that you create for this can also be used for GMetrix Practice Tests (you need a GMetrix Practise Test Access code for this).
Practice Tests - MeasureUp
Unless it is specified in your fulfilment email, ITS Practise Tests are run/delivered on the MeasureUp Portal. However, depending on the circumstances, you may be sent a GMetrix Access Code (a set of 5 digits on either side of an Identifier. For example: 12345-ITA-54321). If this is the Code that you have, please move to the next section. Otherwise, to use a MeasureUp Key:
- Log in and go to your Learning Locker through your access page: (if not already registered, create an account)
- Once you are in your Learning Locker, click the Register Key button on the Learning Locker toolbar.
- Enter the product key in the box exactly as it was provided. Usually, the key contains a series of alphanumeric characters, separated by a dash (-). For example:
- b351feac-9672-4a6c-894c-04c4867c09cb-4303
- Read the Licence Agreement and accept it if you agree. You can read the Software Licence Agreement by clicking on the Licence Agreement button.
- You will see a message that confirms the key has been inserted successfully. Go to Locker.
- Your test is now available and you can begin. Click on the cube and then the blue Begin Test button of the product you wish to use. Follow the instructions.
Note: Please be aware that candidates must register their MeasureUp Key within 90 days from the date that it was originally issued. Once registered, candidates will have access to the tests for 180 days, from the date of registration.
Practice Tests - GMetrix
If you have been issued a GMetrix Access Code instead of or as well as the MeasureUp Key:
- Go to GMetrix Student Portal (
- At the login screen, if you previously registered for GMetrix Video Training, login with your existing username & password. If you have not yet registered, click on the “Sign up here!” button and fill in the required details. (This profile can be used for the GMetrix Video Training, above). After registering, you should automatically be directed to the “Log In” area.
- Login and enter your Access Code when requested.
- Once this has been entered, you will be brought to the course home screen, where you can begin your training or testing.
- To redeem additional codes, click on the Redeem button (blue key icon) on the left.
For more detailed instructions on using GMetrix (including the training and testing modes available) please consult the GMetrix User Guide on our Getting Started page.
ITS Exam Voucher
ITS certification exams, on Certiport, can only be delivered through Certiport Exam Delivery Systems by Certiport Authorised Test Centres (CATC). For booking information, contact your Exam Officer/Certiport Organisation Administrator for more information.
Ensure you are registered as a Certiport “Test Candidate” prior to the day of your Exam. On the day of your Exam, please bring your Exam Voucher (i.e. print the voucher/s or make a note of them) to the Test Centre along with Photo ID (Passport, Driving Licence, etc.). Test Centre staff will use your Exam Voucher to start your Exam.
In the event that you should fail your ITS Exam, the retake policy is as follows:
- If your Voucher includes a Retake, the Retake Voucher will be sent out within 24 Hours of failing the exam via e-mail (to the e-mail address associated with the exam profile).
- If the wrong e-mail address has been provided, or the email is intercepted by mail/junk filters, you can also see the Retake Voucher associated with the online profile, once it has been issued (within 24 hours).
- The Retake Voucher can only be used for the exam that was failed, and only by the candidate who originally failed the exam.
- The Retake Voucher is only valid for 60 Days from the date of issue.
- If a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time, the candidate must wait 24 hours before retaking the exam.
- If a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time, the candidate must wait seven days before retaking the exam a third time.
- A seven-day waiting period is imposed between each subsequent exam retake.
- A candidate may not take a given exam any more than five times per year (12 months). This 12-month period starts from the first attempt. The candidate is then eligible to retake the exam 12 months from the date of the first attempt.
Unless specified in your fulfilment email, Exam Vouchers do not include Free Retakes.
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