Exam Groups
If you run exams for different classes or Programmes and need to group the results separately, linking a Test Candidate's exam to an Exam Group is a great way to do this. For steps/details about creating Exam Groups, please refer to Certiport's Quick Reference Guide.Once an Exam Group has been created, the easiest way to link an exam to a Group is to have the candidate enter the Exam Group ID in the appropriate field during the exam launch process. Note: this must be done for each exam that you want recorded in the Group.
If you are running the exam in Compass, have the candidate sign in and, after selecting the appropriate Program, under "Exam Group", select "Yes" (Step 1) then either select a Registered Group from the drop down (Step 2) or enter the Exam Group ID in the "Enter exam group" field (Step 2) and then click "Next":
If you are running the exam in Console 8, have the candidate sign in, select the exam that is to be taken and then, on the "Confirm Exam" screen, click on the edit button in "Exam Group" (Step 1). On the "Exam Group Selection" screen, tick the "I would like to associate...." box (Step 2) then either select a Registered Group from the drop down or enter the Exam Group ID in the "Join a New Exam Group" field (Step 2) and click "OK":
In most cases, candidates will not be registered to a Group so it is generally easier/best to link to the Group by entering the Group ID. If you are not sure what the ID is, login to www.certiport.com as an Organisation Administrator (or Org Member or Teacher) and click on the "Exam Groups" tab. The ID will be displayed in the "Exam Group ID#" column.
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