How do I add a website/domain to Trusted sites in Internet Explorer

In some cases you have to configure your Internet Explorer to trust a website/domain in order to access content delivered from that website/domain. The website/domain can often be preceded by wildcard (an asterisk and a dot). For example *, * or * Provided that you are not restricted by network policies, you can use the following steps to add a website/domain to your Trusted sites:

Note: Do not add a website/domain to your Trusted sites unless you are familiar with it. If you have any doubts/questions, please contact us
  1. Open Internet Options in Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Security>Trusted sites>Sites
  3. Uncheck the "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone" check box (if there is a check in it)
  4. In the "Add this website to the zone" field, enter the domain that you want to trust (i.e. * and then click Add.
  5. Replace the "Require server verification..." tick if necessary
  6. Click Close
  7. Click OK.
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